How To Start A UK Business – In 5 Simple Steps.

There are many ways to start a business.

The information is out there: the internet connects us to a world of information. But how do you filter it, simplify and act? The most important thing is to find an approach that works for you.

Before you even think about a business you must have three things: ideas, passion and the desire to act.

If you have these three qualities, I believe you are just five simple steps from success:

Step One – Choose Your Idea, Make it Versatile.

Choose an idea with growth potential. You need to choose an idea that fits with your lifestyle but also think about how you will invest your time to make it grow. If for example, you want to travel and you don’t see yourself living in the same country for the rest of your life you need an idea where your company is easy to move.

Choose an area in your life that you are not willing to make any compromises so you can build your empire the way you choose. Don’t let your company own you. You need to visualise your life into the future, to see in advance where your company is going to be in 2 years time, 5 years time and 10 years time. I’m not saying you need to write a 15 year business plan but only by seeing clearly the path ahead, can you create not only the business you want but design a lifestyle too.

Don’t forget, it’s a rule of life, as I mentioned in a previous post, that everything changes. So be sure to keep your business flexible and versatile to move in many different directions.

Step Two – Create A Website, A Simple Website.

This is the single most important tool you have to sell. Your website will sell your image, your products and your service. Your website is your home and shop window: your first impression and your promise.

Research. Choose the best website you ever used and replicate the same structure, design and approach. Just because you start with a blank canvas doesn’t mean you need to re-invent the wheel. We are here to learn from others and improve upon the best.

Simplify. Save time for your clients: give them all the information they need and nothing more, in the fewest possible clicks.

Versatility. Build your website on a flexible platform. That way, when you need to change your product or service it’s easy to expand, remove and adjust for the next step.

You do not have to code your own website. There are so many web designers out there who can help guide you through the process and deliver on your ideas. Just take a little time to find someone who understands your vision and can bring it to life with style. For us, this was our talented web designer: Andrei Rotariu (thank you Andrei!) which brings me to the next point.

Step Three – Work With The Best.

Probably the most important skill you need to have as an entrepreneur starting a business is knowing how to find and choose the right partners. You have to pick only the best. By partners I mean not only designers, salespeople, investors or accountants, I mean everybody that is involved in your business one way or another.

If you haven’t run your own business before, this will be the single most difficult task you will have to face. Get it wrong, and your business will always suffer. Get it right, and your business can only thrive.

You must pay attention and be aware of the people you choose as partners in your business.

Learn how to analyse the situation and how to read the signs.

Step Four – Do The Paperwork.

I hate paperwork but without doing it the essentials you simply do not have a business. So here is a quick list of everything you will need in terms of admin:

(1) Register Your Company: We use 1st Formations – it takes 10 minutes.

(2) Apply for VAT Registration.

(3) Get a landline number. We use VoipFone.

(4) Open A Business Bank Account (at any high street bank)

(5) Start Bookkeeping. We recommend Xero – it works great on your iPhone

You are now ready to start trading… So guess what the next step is?

Step Five – Start Trading

You are now ready to make your first sales.

Don’t wait until you have the perfect brochure, branding or website. Don’t even wait for the business cards to arrive!

As long as you sell you are in business. If you pay attention to your client, each sale will help improve your business. That means more products, better services, improved catalogues and a website with professional imagery and video. As you sell, you can then invest in professional images and video. We recommend Medialook for video and Slepokur for photography.

And Finally…

The most important thing is to just do it. No complains, no delays, no tomorrows.

Be responsible for making your dream come true. Take the first step today. Don’t delay.

Be motivated by people that inspire you. Learn from them every day, and learn how to take yourself further: how to be a better version of yourself.

Don’t Do things, Get Things Done

These were the most inspiring words I heard before taking my own 5 steps and starting a new journey. I was fortunate to learn from some of the most amazing people and the strongest characters in the industry. Maybe you have heard about them before: The Sofa and Chair Company.

Thank you guys for laying the first stones on the path that I follow.

Thank you for reading my words, a little part of me is out there for you.

– Sorina x